Thursday, 23 January 2020

Frank Welsman, Canadian Conductor - Revised!

My very first book,published 2006,  was "Frank Welsman, Canadian Conductor", which was a revisionist approach to the history of the  Toronto Symphony Orchestra. As a result of my research for The Violet Trilogy, I have made some changes to "Frank Welsman" and I have converted it into an e-book, now available at Click on the link for more:

Wednesday, 15 January 2020

Available in Toronto music store now!

I am very pleased to announce that the venerable music store, Remenyi House of Music , at 210 Bloor Street West, Toronto, is carrying both of my Violet books, Imagining Violet and Imagining Violet Married. Save the cost of shipping, and check out the Remenyi House of Music. Of course they are still available via Amazon or directly from the order form on this site.